Gov. Newsom Visits Â鶹ÐÔ°É for Press Conference Announcing CARE Court System

Â鶹ÐÔ°É was proud to host California Gov. Gavin Newsom on March 3 for a press conference. The governor visited our residential program Crossroads Residential Village to announce a bold new proposal aimed at addressing our state’s mental health crisis.

The governor’s proposal, called the , would provide a statewide framework for courts to order people with serious mental illnesses and substance use disorders into treatment. CARE Courts would also offer supportive housing and wrap-around services to participants. Speaking with the media at Crossroads Residential Village, Governor Newsom said, “This is a completely new strategy, and I hope that creates a space for a different conversation than we’ve had in the past.â€

During his visit, Governor Newsom met with Â鶹ÐÔ°É’s CEO, David Mineta, along with one of our current clients and the family members of other clients to listen to their stories and learn how they have experienced the behavioral health system. He expressed a desire to get help to those who need it in a new, innovative format, along with significant funding. We’re excited that CARE Courts will attempt to move faster and sooner to get people into the services they need, especially those who resist treatment and have highly acute needs. The potential for court involvement to order necessary care will hold all of us at every level of the care system to account.

Governor Newsom also took a moment before speaking to acknowledge the hardworking staff of Â鶹ÐÔ°É, particularly in light of current workforce shortages. He expressed deep appreciation for the care and compassion our clients receive in spite of our imperfect behavioral health system.

Every day, our team works to provide people in our community with the care they need. The governor shined a spotlight on this important work and the clients we serve, and we look forward to following the proposal’s progress.

gavin newsom event